Category: Cockroaches

Everything you need to know about DIY cockroach control, species and other related information.

Types of Cockroaches

Types of Cockroaches – A Guide for Identifying and Eliminating Roaches

While there are thousands of identified types of cockroaches crawling around the world, fewer than 50 of those cockroach types are known to cause problems for humans. They are in the same animal family as termites, and they are among the most feared residential and commercial pests. If you have ever turned on the light

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Where Can I Buy Boric Acid? There Are More Places Than You Thought

Roaches can be a real nuisance when you don’t know how to get rid of them. Fortunately, there is a non-toxic yet effective solution – boric acid. Also known as orthoboric or boracic acid, boric acid was introduced in the US pest control market in 1948. Composed of boron, oxygen, and hydrogen (H3BO3), this substance

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Cockroach Poop – Why It Is Important to Identify and Remove Them

Cockroaches are unwelcome guests who make themselves comfortable in our homes. The nuisance of their infestation is something that virtually every homeowner detests. Effectively detecting and identifying the presence of these creepy crawlers is the first step in successful cockroach infestation control. The presence of cockroach poop – usually referred to as specks – is

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Cockroach Facts

41 Cockroach Facts and Myths that You Don’t Know

Want to learn more about cockroach facts? Then you are in for a treat! Instead of writing individual posts, I figured compiling a list of myths and facts about cockroaches in one place would be much more beneficial. This post will be updated frequently with new questions from readers and any interesting information we can find out about them over

41 Cockroach Facts and Myths that You Don’t Know Read More »

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